
Introducing OG Images for HandyVoid

We're excited to announce that we've recently added OG Images to our website!

OG Images (Open Graph Images) are a type of metadata that allows social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to display a preview of your website when it's shared on their platform. This can greatly improve the appearance of your website on social media and increase engagement with your content.

What are OG Images and why are they important?

When someone shares a link to your website on social media, the platform will automatically generate a preview of the link. This preview usually includes a title, description, and an image. The image that's displayed is called the OG Image, and it's specified using Open Graph metadata.

OG Images are important because they can greatly impact how your website appears on social media. A high-quality, eye-catching OG Image can make your website stand out and attract more clicks, while a poor-quality or irrelevant OG Image can make your website look unprofessional or unappealing.

How do we use OG Images on HandyVoid?

To take advantage of OG Images, there is a custom image for each page on our website. These images are designed to capture the essence of the content on the page and provide an eye-catching preview for social media users.

Our OG Images follow best practices, such as using a 1.91:1 aspect ratio (which is recommended by Facebook) and specifying the image dimensions in the metadata. By following these guidelines, we ensure that our OG Images look great on all social media platforms.


We hope you enjoy the new feature on our site and find it useful. By implementing OG Images, we're able to improve the appearance of our website on social media and attract more visitors to our site. If you're a website owner, we highly recommend implementing OG Images on your site as well.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or questions. We're always looking for ways to improve the user experience on HandyVoid and appreciate your input.

Happy sharing!

Example OG Image