
Contributing Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to HandyVoid! All contributions, including code, bug reports, documentation, and translations are welcome.

What is HandyVoidium?

HandyVoidium is the open-source version of HandyVoid, just like Chromium with Chrome. Click here to go to the repository.

To ensure a smooth and efficient contribution process, please read and follow these guidelines:

Code Contributions

  • All code contributions should be submitted via a pull request.
  • Please ensure that your pull request includes a clear and concise description of the changes you made, as well as any relevant context or background information.

Bug Reports

  • If you encounter a bug while using HandyVoid, please report it in the issues section of the repository.
  • Please include a clear and detailed description of the bug, including steps to reproduce it.
  • If possible, please include any screenshots, error messages or logs that may be relevant to the issue.


  • If you would like to contribute a translation of HandyVoid into another language, please submit a pull request with a translated .yaml file following the translation schema (you can check it in /lang/en.yaml).
    • In addition, you can translate this contributing page (/content/en/contribute.md).
  • Please ensure that your translations are accurate and well-written.

Your contributions to HandyVoid are appreciated and thank you for helping to make the project better!